Study Details

Study Title: Evaluation of Current Texturing Practices in Minnesota

Authors: Izevbekhai and Eller

Publication Date:JAN, 2008

Abstract: In Minnesota, concrete pavements are finished by dragging an inverted urf or a stiff-bristled broom longitudinally on the surface of freshly placed concrete pavements, right behind the paving machine. Prior to 1998, most concrete pavements were finished with a combination of the burlap-drag and transverse-tining. Subsequently those pavements were reconstructed and finished with current broom or turf drag. The study sought to ascertain if current texturing techniques resulted in higher wet weather accident events. A Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) study selected segments in the network where current texturing techniques replaced previous textures. Annual wet weather accidents data from the Mn/DOT database were analyzed. By examining annual wet weather accident counts, total accident counts and crash rates for a ten year period, current textures were compared to previous textures. The paper discusses how 3 statistical tools were used compare wet weather accident data from previous texturing to data from current texturing. Statistical tools showed that current texturing practices did not cause increase in the annual wet weather accidents, crash rates as well as ratio of wet to dry weather accidents in the chosen test sections.

Study Citation: Izevbekhai, B.I. and A. Eller. "Evaluation of Current Texturing Practices in Minnesota." TRB 87th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM. Washington, D.C., 2008.

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Roadway

Countermeasure: Refinish concrete pavement with inverted turf of stiff-bristled broom (wet weather crashes)

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.9356.5text textWet roadAllNot Specified
0.63536.5text textAllAllNot Specified