Study Details

Study Title: Collision Frequency Analysis Using Tree-Based Stratification

Authors: Park, Y.-J. and Saccomanno, F.F.

Publication Date: 2005

Abstract: Although several factors are known to contribute to collisions at highway-railway grade crossings, the mixed effects of the control factors such as a highway class and other countermeasures on collision occurrence are less well explored. This study evaluates the relationship between countermeasures and collision occurrence by using a sequential analytic strategy that combines the tree-based data stratification method with the generalized linear regression technique. After the control factor effects were controlled with the use of the tree-based data partitioning method, stratified collision prediction models were developed, and the adjusted effect of the selected countermeasures was identified. The conventional statistical models were also provided for comparison with stratified models. The study used Canadian inventory and collision data to demonstrate the expected collision reductions resulting from changes in selected countermeasures, such as warning devices and posted speed limit.

Study Citation: Park, Y.-J. and Saccomanno, F.F., "Collision Frequency Analysis Using Tree-Based Stratification", Transportation Research Record 1908, pp. 121-129, 2005.

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Railroad grade crossings

Countermeasure: Installing gates at crossings with signs

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.06944 StarsAllAllMinor ArterialNot specified
0.13873 StarsAllAllLocalNot specified
0.09914 StarsAllAllLocalNot specified
0.34663 StarsAllAllNot specifiedNot specified
0.07934 StarsAllAllAllNot specified

Countermeasure: Upgrade signs to flashing lights

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.22784 StarsAllAllMinor ArterialNot specified
0.31693 StarsAllAllLocalNot specified
0.21794 StarsAllAllLocalNot specified
0.26743 StarsAllAllNot specifiedNot specified
0.23774 StarsAllAllAllNot specified