Study Details

Study Title: Mini-Roundabout CMF Development

Authors: Pulugurtha et al.

Publication Date:MAY, 2021

Abstract: This research project focuses on quantifying the safety benefits of mini-roundabouts by developing crash modification factors (CMFs). Crash, traffic volume, and geometry data for 25 mini-roundabouts in eight states (Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington) was collected to conduct before and after analysis using the naïve method and the Empirical Bayes (EB) method. The results indicate a decrease in the number of total crashes and fatal and injury (FI) crashes when a two-way stop-controlled or one-way stop-controlled (TWSC or OWSC) intersection was converted to a mini-roundabout. However, the results indicate an increase in property damage only (PDO) crashes. Similarly, the results indicate an increase in the number of total crashes, FI crashes, and PDO crashes when an all-way stop-controlled (AWSC) intersection was converted to a mini-roundabout. The recommended CMFs for converting a TWSC/OWSC intersection to a mini-roundabout are 0.83 for total crashes, 0.41 for FI crashes, and 1.09 for PDO crashes. The recommended CMFs for converting an AWSC intersection to a mini-roundabout are 3.25 for total crashes, 1.74 for FI crashes, and 3.83 for PDO crashes.

Study Citation: Pulugurtha, S.S., R. Mishra, and S. Mathew. "Mini-Roundabout CMF Development." Report No. FHWA/NC/2020-32. North Carolina Department of Transportation. Raleigh, North Carolina. (May, 2021).

Comments: This Study has been replaced by Study 664 to better align countermeasure names with those presented to avoid confusion.

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Intersection geometry

Countermeasure: Convert Unsignalized Intersection to Mini-Roundabout

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.83173 StarsAllAllAllAll
0.41593 StarsAllK,A,B,CAllAll
1.09-93 StarsAllOAllAll
3.25-2253 StarsAllAllAllAll
1.74-743 StarsAllK,A,B,CAllAll
3.83-2833 StarsAllOAllAll